SALEM — Almost a year to the day the first shovel of dirt was turned at the new Clough Farm apartment complex, state and local officials today will c.
aprtments in salem
Winston-Salem will be adding even more apartments downtown.A five-story building with 65, one-bedroom apartments is slated to be built within the next year.Bud Baker, the developer of the new complex, built the Hilltop& ...
Since opening the doors of the Purr-fect Cut Barber Shop on Liberty Street, Owner Walter Roy Little has dreamt of turning the building`s spacious second floor into housing units. Now, more than two decades later, the& ...
Rentals in Salem via our partners at Zillow. Posted by ... 4 Brook Road, Apt. 15, Salem. Credit: ... Apartments, condos and homes for rent in Salem include the following, according to listings by our partners at Zillow. Click on& ...
SALEM — Almost a year to the day the first shovel of dirt was turned at the new Clough Farm apartment complex, state and local officials today will c.
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